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All about links

Andre Voelkel
Andre Voelkel
  • Updated

A link on your website is an interactive element that takes your visitors to the desired sections of your website or to other websites by clicking on it. Links improve navigation on your site and therefore also enhance the visitor experience. Well-placed links can also increase the time spent on your website. Good links help visitors, but also search engines, to make the hierarchy and structure of the website more accessible.

Using the "WePaint" template, we will show you how to place links on your website.

Links for elements

Let's first set a link for a button element on the start page. To do this, we click on the button and open the third tab "Link" in the panel on the left.

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You now have various options for setting a link in the element-specific settings.

  • Without: Do not set a link
  • Page: Link a page of your website, such as contact or offer
  • External: Set a link to another website
  • Element: Link the element (e.g. the button) to another element on the page. For example, the contact form at the bottom of the page. You can select the element manually and the element ID will be inserted directly
  • Next element: Is preferably used in the accordion preset. Here, the Website Builder automatically links to the next element in the web page sequence when clicked
  • Phone number: (Click-To-Call) If you set a phone number here, visitors on mobile devices will be connected to a specific phone number
  • Email: (Mailto) If you set an email address here, the visitor's device will open the standard email programme so that the visitor can write an email directly to a specific recipient.

You also have the option of setting a title for the link for Page, External and Element. You can define a relationship for the follow-up element. This keeps your code clean and gives you a semantically correct link structure. This also ensures better indexing of your page for search engines, which in turn can help you achieve a positive ranking. If you like to learn more about SEO feel free to browse through our article about SEO.

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You can also set whether the page should be opened in the same tab or in a new tab after clicking on the link target. We recommend opening a new tab for external links and the same tab for a page. If you want to link to a social media account, for example, it makes sense to open the link target in a new tab as well.

You can also set a link to an overlay in the link target. When clicked, the new link opens in the overlay, for example if you want to link to an image, a "special offer" or a file.

Link in the text element

It is possible to set links for certain words and lines of text. To do this, please go to a text element and select the word or words for which you would like to set a link. Now click on the link icon.

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Now you can use the toolbar to insert the URL or destination or link to subpages, for example. You can set here whether the link should open in the same tab or in a new tab. You can also link to uploaded files here.

You can also define the title of the link.

Linking to a subsequent element

The example of an accordion provides a good explanation of linking to a follow-up element. In the section template, the trigger is always automatically linked to the subsequent content.

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This is particularly useful for such areas, as you then do not have to set the link manually, but automatically select the element that follows this entire trigger element. In our case, this is the content that should be displayed when the accordion button is clicked.

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For more information on the accordion, we recommend our help article on the preset.


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