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Company Statistics

Anton Maslov
Anton Maslov
  • Updated

Sitejet offers a quick overview of the statistics of your customer projects in the "Stats" area of the Website Project Manager. The reporting includes the number and status of your projects, as well as your monthly recurring revenue.

Website clients

You can find the Stats page by clicking "Stats" in the top menu of the Manager view.


On the left, you will find an overview of your customers. Customers from previous months, the new customers from the current month, and the total number are displayed numerically and graphically.


Website status

In the middle, you'll find an overview of all current customer projects organized by status.


Recurring revenue

In this section, you get a current total of all your monthly recurring revenue from customer projects.


This amount is calculated from the revenue you have entered in the customer data.

To enter revenue for a project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Manager"
  2. Click on "Actions" (list view) or the ellipsis icon (3 dots on a website card in the kanban view) for the desired website
  3. Select "Edit customer data"
  4. Enter the monthly amount under "Price"
  5. Press "Save"

Tip: You can use it to check your billing system.

Unfinished messages

In this section, you will find the total number of all messages which still must be handled across all your websites. Click on the envelope icon to go to the Manager view and click on "Tickets" on the sidebar to see all open messages that have been automatically assigned to a website.



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