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Export a website

Anton Maslov
Anton Maslov
  • Updated

In this article, we will explain how you can export a website you've built on Sitejet.


The export feature becomes available if you subscribe to the Sitejet Team plan or above. You can find more information about our plans and their advantages on our pricing page or in our article on selecting the right Sitejet plan.

The export feature

You can export the website in the Website Editor. To export the website, click on the burger menu in the left-hand corner of the website editor. There you will find the item "Website Export". Read the instructions again carefully and then click on "Create and download ZIP file".

Please note, that your website needs to be accessible for the export to work. This means that you should be able to see your website when you hover over the eye icon in the top navigation of the Website Builder and click on "Open preview website". 

If you see an error page here, this might be due to the fact that you have already added a domain, but the domain is not set up correctly to display the website. Please also note that the export is not possible for a website that only runs on a subdomain. To start the export, simply click on the Burger Menu in the top left and select Website Export. Read the instructions of the overlay carefully and then click on "Prepare & Download ZIP" to download the file.

Please note that the website will be exported in the language that has been selected as the website language. It's the language that you can see in the Detail View: 

If you have a multilanguage website and want to export all languages, we recommend switching the website language here and exporting the website again. 


Remember, as soon as you host a Sitejet project with an external hosting provider, Sitejet tools and content management are no longer available. That means:

  • Your customers will no longer be able to make changes to their website themselves (unless they are familiar with website programming)
  • Email addresses must be managed by you or your customer
  • Securing the website with an SSL certificate becomes your responsibility
  • If you wish to make changes, you are responsible for ensuring that your customer provides you with the correct data and that you assign it to the website
  • Certain features will no longer be available, including the contact forms, Collections, some fonts, the Cookie Consent Bar preset and the feature to show and hide elements at a certain time.

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