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Add a submenu

Andre Voelkel
Andre Voelkel
  • Updated

This article will provide you with all the information to create and display an engaging sub menu  to help your website's visitors navigate through your website.

You have two options to add a submenu/dropdown menu to a menu bar - depending on how you create the menu in the first place: 

  • Auto: Let the Website create your menu and submenu according to the structure of your pages
  • Custom: Create the submenu by yourself to structure the submenu as you need it

Automatic Menu Structure

When you auto-create the menu on your website, go to Pages and use drag and drop to create a submenu. Make sure to move the page that should be in the submenu far to the right when hovering over the other page until an orange arrow appears and then drop the page there. 

Once you have dropped the page it will look like this. Of course, you are able to add more subpages to a page:


Custom Submenu Structure

When you created a custom menu, you are able to create a submenu via Drag'n'Drop, but in this case, you will go to the menu items instead of pages.

There you will take the menu item that should be part of the submenu and drag it over another menu item. Make sure to be far right when hovering over the other item until you see an indented orange line. 


Click on the preview (eye) icon in the top left corner of the editor's navigation and on hovering over the "parent" menu item, you will see that a dropdown was created.


On desktop, it will look like this:


On tablet and mobile, you will see the submenu items directly below the parent section.


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