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Converting a One-Pager to a Multi-Pager

Andre Voelkel
Andre Voelkel
  • Updated

With just a few clicks and a little effort, you can transform your website from a one-pager into a multi-pager. It doesn't matter whether you have created your own project or are using one of our numerous one-pager templates.

Let's start with our delicious one-pager from Lily's. Click on "Pages" to open the panel on the right. Here you can now see an overview - we are on the home page and of course, there is the data privacy page and the legal notice.

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 1.png

In each template we have also created a subpage for you as a basis to start with. The menu, header area and footer are always referenced here and there is additional content in some cases.

Now let's create a new subpage. To do this, please click on "New page". Now you can see how a new subpage is created and the URL is adjusted directly.

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 2.png

Now adjust the URL again and save it in the Website Builder. 

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 3.png

After saving, you can either customise the page first and fill it with content or duplicate the page and rename each individual page directly.

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 4.png

You can now enter different SEO-relevant URLs for each page, for example. Please take a look at our article on SEO settings, which explains all the functions. Once you have made the settings, we recommend saving them again in the Website Builder.

We will now link the page in the menu and turn a one-pager into a multi-pager. Please note that the menu of a one-pager is usually customised / manually created if there is an additional subpage. This is also the case here, as the current menu items are linked to elements on the start page.

Now display the menu navigation. To do this, click on the menu element. To add a subpage, add a new menu item in the menu panel using the "plus" icon.

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 5.png

Once the page has been created in the menu panel, you can move it as you wish or even subordinate it to another page. As soon as you have created the subpage in the menu, you will see how the menu item is displayed directly in the Website Builder.

EN-EKB-One-To-Multipage 6.png

We explain how the menu panel / navigation works in more detail in our article on navigation.

You can now inspect your page via "Open preview website" and call up the subpage once via the menu and enter /super-sweet-cake as a test.

You have now turned your one-pager website into a multi-pager website. And I now getting myself a nice slice of cake.

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