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SEO Features for your website

Andre Voelkel
Andre Voelkel
  • Updated

In this article, we explain the SEO features of the Website Editor.

Basic Knowledge

In the Website Editor, you have the most important global SEO functions at a glance. Before you publish your site, it's worth taking the important next steps for a successful website here.

Note: For more tips and tools, we recommend you to read our article about the common questions about search engine optimization. Please keep in mind that neither SEO strategy nor problems of indexing at the search engines are in our area of responsibility. We recommend our community, where you can exchange ideas with other professionals.

Global SEO-Features

You can find the global features in the Website Editor menu under More > SEO/Meta.


Click on SEO and open the global settings.


Here you can make your global SEO settings for the entire website, such as keywords, page titles, and meta tags. We explain the individual functions.



The SEO title appears in the search results in blue color and in a larger font. It is hyperlinked to your website. The URL is displayed in green and the meta description below is displayed in black. The SEO title stands out the most. Some social networks also put it as a headline or even as an anchor text if it is shared. We recommend using only symbols from HTML special character's table here, because only they are recognized and evaluated by crawlers without any problems. We recommend a title that is not longer than 50–60 characters.


Under your tagline, the SEO title is expanded. So you can easily split the title in the search results with a hyphen. Together, both titles in the search results will look like this:



SEO keywords are keywords that you specify for your website. In search queries, for example in Google, the keyword is the keyword to the searched content - that is, what users enter in the search mask of search engines.

SEO Description

In the mask "SEO description", also called meta description, there is space for the description of your website. This is not only important for the search engines, but also helps your users to understand what your page is about.


SERP stands for Search Engine Result Page. Here you can see live how your entries are displayed in the search engine. It is possible to display the preview both for the desktop and for the mobile view.

Settings for Index and Responsiveness

The boxes for Index and Responsive are two important factors for the presentation of your website on the web. If the Index box is checked, you give the search engines permission to analyze this page and include it in their search results. Responsiveness should always be enabled. This allows the Website Editor to display the page optimized for devices of different sizes. This is indispensable nowadays.

Meta tags

Here you can add additional code. Several tools require code fragments in the header of the website. You can find more information in the respective help databases of the individual tools.

Google Analytics ID

This field is for the tracking code for the current version of Google Analytics. Please insert the code provided here. You can find more information about the tracking codes here.

Google Maps API-Key

In this field, you can add your API key for Google Maps to benefit from the Google Maps functionality on your website.

SEO features per page

To add SEO-relevant information per page, click on Pages in the top navigation of the Website Editor. Now click on the cog icon of the page you want to edit. Here you will find options like SEO title, description, and keywords. For advanced settings like adding meta tags or a preview image for that page, click on More Settings


SEO features in Collections

You can also adjust the SEO-relevant information for each of your collection items. Check out this help article for all the details. 

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