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SEO in Collections

Franziska Dienst
Franziska Dienst
  • Updated

If you use a blog or other dynamic content that is combined in a collection, you can of course also make important adjustments for the search engines and your visitors in the Collection settings for each item. In the Collection entries, you have the option of entering the most important information for each individual Collection item.

Basic knowledge

Collections are not only a great way to present a blog or structured, dynamic content to your visitors, but also improve your chances of ranking better in search results. Regular content in the form of blogs or news, for example, signals to search engines that your website is active and therefore relevant. A blog page with regularly updated and relevant content could also be useful for companies with regard to SEO purposes. As a side effect, the company's brand can be strengthened.

In the website editor, one or more blogs can be added to each project. For more information on how the Collections work, we recommend our article about Collections.

Note: For more tips and tools, we recommend our article on frequently asked questions about search engine optimization. Please note that neither SEO strategy nor problems with submitting the ranking on search engines are our responsibility. We recommend our community, where you can exchange ideas with other professionals.

SEO fields in the collection

Open the Collection Manager under More > Collections Manager.


Select the collection that contains the Collection item you want to edit and make sure that you are in the "Content" area. 


Now open the Collection item that you want to edit. An overlay will open where you can write and edit your post. If your post is ready for publication, use the "settings" button in the upper right corner to be taken to the SEO fields, or scroll down until you reach the "settings" item.


Here you now have the possibility to fill in the following fields:


1. SEO title = title

The SEO title appears in the search results in blue and in a larger font. It is hyperlinked to your website. The URL is displayed in green and the meta description below it in black. The SEO title stands out the most. Some social networks also use it as a headline or even as an anchor text if it is shared. We recommend only using symbols from the HTML special characters table here, because only these are recognized and evaluated by the crawlers without any problems. We recommend a title that is no longer than 50–60 characters.

The SEO title is automatically filled with the name of the collection item. If you want to change the title, simply click in the field and add another content.

2. Slug

The slug is the part of the URL that comes after your domain and address extensions. By default, the title of your collection item is used here. You can easily adapt this according to your wishes.

3. SEO description = description / og:description

In the "SEO description" mask, also called meta description, there is space for the description of your post. This will be the black text in Google search and used as og:description (for social media). This is not only important for the search engines, but also helps your visitors understand what the post is about.

4. SEO keywords

Here, you can add your relevant keywords for your collection item. For search queries, for example in Google, the keyword is the content searched for - i.e. what users enter in the search mask of search engines.

5. Meta tags = header

Here you can add additional code. Various tools require code fragments in the

of the website. You can find more information in the corresponding help databases of the individual tools.

You will also find the following fields here:


6. Preview / SERP preview

SERP stands for "Search Engine Result Page". Here you can see live how your entries are displayed in the search engine. It is possible to display the preview both for the desktop and for the mobile view.

7. Settings = "no index"

Every Collection post you publish is approved for indexing through the search engines by default. This means that the search engines' crawlers can analyze the post and show it in their search results. If you tick this box, you are telling the crawlers that you do not want this to happen. Please note that the search engines decide for themselves which content they analyze and display in their searches.

8. Preview image (open graph) = og:image

The image you insert here will be used as an image for social media and generally when sharing on other platforms.

9. Item ID

The Item ID is a unique, automatically generated ID of the item that you need for the API.

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