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Transfer Sitejet website to another Sitejet account

Franziska Dienst
Franziska Dienst
  • Updated

In this article, we show you how to transfer your website in full to another Sitejet account

Basic Knowledge

In Sitejet, there are two way to share your website with other Sitejetters.

  • Copy and Share a Website: In the Website Builder, you are able to create a copy of your website and make it available to another Sitejetter. We explain how this works in this article.
  • Full transfer of a Website: When you like to move the entire website including content such as images and videos, the website will be removed from your account and linked to the new account. This method is recommended, for example, if a domain (registered with Sitejet) is connected to the website. Only our support team can carry out a complete migration. We explain what you need to do and prepare in this article.
Note: The full transfer feature is currently available exclusively for Sitejet Studio.If you use the Sitejet Builder via cPanel or Plesk, it is very likely that this function will be implemented for you in another way.If you have any questions or need help with an alternative implementation, please contact the support of the respective platform.

Full Transfer of your website

If you like to move an existing website from your Sitejet account to another Sitejet account, e.g. because you created a website for your customer and want to make it available on his or her own account, please contact our support team after reading the following instructions. 

Set up for success: To make the transition from one account to another as simple and fast as possible follow these steps: 

  1. Your client needs to set up his or her very own Sitejet account and purchase a plan
  2. Send us a mail at with the following information and add your customer in CC: 
    1. Website ID of the respective website (six-digit number in the URL when opening the CMS)
    2. Customer name and email address which is connected to the customer's new Sitejet account 
    3. Information if there is an existing domain connected that needs to be transferred as well 

Please note that each  transfer of a website (without the domain) to another account will cost 29.99 USD or 29.99 EUR plus VAT. A website transfer including a domain that is hosted with us will cost 39.99 USD or 39.99 EUR plus VAT

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