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User and role management

Anton Maslov
Anton Maslov
  • Updated

This article explains how you can add users to your team and how to manage user roles and rights as well as assign projects to specific team members.

Add team members to the company

To add team members to your team, go to "Manage team" in the Manager's top navigation and select "Users". This will take you to the user administration.

Note: The option of adding users to your projects is only available in Team and Agency plans.


Click the "Invite Users" button here to add new users to your team with whom you are working on your projects. Assign roles to your team members to manage their access rights within your projects. You can choose from Admin, Sales, Editor, Design, and Support roles. 

User roles and their access rights

In this overview, you will see which roles can access which features:


  Admin Support Design Sales Editor
Edit website X
See websites assigned to the user
See all websites X X
Export website X
Generate website X
Enter Wishes
Change Wishes after Preparation X
Use Feedback Tool
Add customer email addresses
See customer statistics
See customer's E-commerce (CMS) X
See Tickets X X
See Unassigned mails X X X
Change company settings (e.g. Whitelabel) X X X X
Add new website X
Publish website X X X
Register domain X X X
Manage domain X X X
Follow a website
Edit customer data
Create invitation links
Upload files
Check website
Change template X
Clone website X
Delete website X X
Create a website as a template X X
Add new website using a template X
See time tracking
Change status
Assign websites
See Stats X X X X
See Tools X X X
See Billing X X X X
Change Profile settings
User management X X X X
Subscription management X X X X

Assign projects to a team member

Newly created projects are initially "assigned" to the respective creator. This is important for role management as well as for the filters in the website overview:

As described above, editors only have access to projects assigned to them. So if you want a project you have created to be edited by one of your editors, you need to assign it to them. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the website overview 
  2. Click on the assignee icon which is in the bottom right corner when using the kanban view or in the far right column "To" when using the list view
  3. Select the desired team member in the displayed list of your team members


You can also assign multiple websites at a time to a team member by using the bulk assign button in the list view: 


You now assigned one or more websites to another team member. Depending on the filter settings, the website(s) may no longer be displayed. To display the website(s) again, you can adjust the filter so that the websites of other team members are also displayed. To do so, click on the filter field (shown below) and check the box for the desired team members:


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