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Detail View

Anton Maslov
Anton Maslov
  • Updated
The Detail View shows all information about a website and the customer. In this article we explain the individual functions.

Basic knowledge

In the "Detail View" you will find all information about the website and the customer. The left side shows "static" information such as customer data (name, contact person, contact details etc.) while the right side is "dynamic" and changes with the progress of the website.


The sidebar is used for easy navigation between the views in Sitejet's project management. It is folded up by default to take up as little space as possible.

Customer data

On the top left you will find the customer data. Here you have two different view modes: A summary and a detailed view, which you can view by clicking on "+ Show more".
The summary shows you:
  • customer name
  • main domain or preview website URL
  • company names
  • contact person
  • phone number
  • language
  • e-mail address
  • In the detailed view you will also find the following information:
  • company owner
  • cell phone number
  • address of the company
  • additional, optional e-mail addresses
  • JSON metadata.
Hiding ensures that you see all relevant information on one screen. All customer data can be adjusted at any time by clicking on the pen icon. The pen icon will automatically appear as soon as you move the mouse over the customer information you want to change. By clicking on the pen icon next to the domain/preview website URL, you can access the domain manager, where all domains can be managed.

By clicking on telephone numbers you can automatically call them, provided that a program that supports calling is installed on the device you are using. A click on the e-mail address opens the "Compose e-mail" dialog directly, so you don't have to switch to another view.


In the note field directly below the customer data you can store all notes that are permanently important. This could be general information such as the desired form of address ("You" / "They"), preferred times at which the customer would like to be contacted, etc. Of course, you can also store links here. These can then be called up directly by clicking on them in a new tab, without the link having to be laboriously marked and inserted into the address line of the browser.
You can edit the notes by simply clicking in the field. Then confirm the changes by clicking on "Save".


Under statistics, you will see a selection of statistics about the website once it has been published. This is especially interesting if your customer doubts the sense of his website and you can convince him of your great performance during the conversation.
You can read more about the statistics data collected by Sitejet in our help article about website statistics in Sitejet.

Workflow Bar


The Workflow Bar is the central element that guides you step by step through the creation process. The button on the right at the end of the bar always leads to the next status in the process with the option to enter a due date and assign the website to a team member. Depending on the status of the website you will find the most important action buttons here. Under Actions all features around the website are stored, like the automatic website check, which supports you in the quality assurance of your website. On the left side you can access the customer portal and all related features like the feedback tool for onpage comments. The symbol with the house shows how you give your customer access to his own customer portal. 

On the far left is the team member to whom the website is currently assigned. If a due date has been set, it will be displayed next to it. A grey date indicates that the date is in the future. A red date indicates that the due date is in the past and that there is probably a need for action. Next to it, the status of the website and the time tracking is displayed. 



Under To-dos you manage all project-related To-dos. Here you can see both the to-dos created by your customer using the feedback tool and the to-dos that you and your team have created. 
All to-dos can be checked off and thus marked as "done" by clicking on the leftmost circle. By clicking on an empty star a to-do can be assigned a "high priority". This will turn the star yellow and you can use the "priority" filter to filter for such to-do's.
In the column "FROM" the team member who created this to-do is indicated. A click on the description folds it out if it is longer than one line. If there are links to websites in the to-do description, click on them to open them directly without expanding the description. Descriptions can be adjusted afterwards by clicking on the pencil icon. The pencil icon is displayed when you move the mouse over the description text. 
Next to the description in the middle, the due date is shown:
  • gray dates are in the future
  • blue dates are due "today" and
  • red dates are in the past, are thus overdue and should be addressed first.
This way you always have a quick overview based on the color. Additionally, you can also use the filters "Due from" and "Due to" to narrow down the to-do list. If no due date is displayed, no due date was set when the to-do was created. This is especially the case with the feedback tool. If you want to set a due date afterwards, you can do so by clicking on the pencil icon.
On the far right, in the "ON" column, you will find the person to whom the to-do was assigned. This will show the to-do to the user in the manager view. 

Under the to-do list you can determine how many to-do's are displayed per "page". You will also see the total number of project-related to-do's. You can also jump to the individual pages.



The News section shows all e-mails, internal comments and updates to the website and documents the customer history. Using the filters above, you can display only those entries that are relevant for you. Click on "New" to create a new message. You decide between "internal" and "external" communication. Internal communication is used, for example, to ask team members for help. External messages are e.g. messages from customers who have contacted us by phone. In addition, you can send your customer an e-mail from Sitejet once it has been set up. Notifications automatically generated by the system are also displayed in the "Messages" section.
Messages can also be marked as "done". This way you always keep track of what has already been done. Furthermore, you can mark messages as "important" using the star icon, similar to To-dos. This way, important messages from the customer can be found more quickly later. This can be useful if the customer informs you during the website creation process, for example, about future DNS entries. Since the website is not live yet and the domain may not have been registered yet, you can't do anything with the data at the moment, but you can easily find them later with the "Important messages only" filter under "More filters".
Under "CHANNEL" you can see where the message comes from. For example, you can filter by channel "Internal" if you only want to see internal messages. 
The following filters are available:
  • Message to customer
  • Message from customer
  • System
  • Customer portal
  • Customer data changed
  • Internal
  • External
"FROM" indicates who created the message and "ON" indicates who the website was assigned to at that time. In this way, responsibilities can be kept transparent even after the fact. Under Date the creation date of the message is indicated. Next to it you will find the content of the message. Clicking on this content will expand it, which will show you 1. the entire message and 2. when the website was due at the time the message was created. You can also view the entire message by hovering over it with your mouse.
Under "Status" you will find the status of the website at the time the message was created.
As with the To-dos, below the message list you will find information about the number of entries per page, the total number of all entries, the possibility to jump from page to page, the page number and the total number of pages.

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