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[►] Overview: Website Project Management

Andre Voelkel
Andre Voelkel
  • Updated

This article will give you an overview of the website project management and how to use it as best as possible.

Basic knowledge

The website project management in Sitejet offers extensive tools for the creation and administration of websites and is therefore the complete operational platform for web design agencies.

Note: The Project Manager is currently available exclusively for Sitejet Studio. If you use the Sitejet Builder via cPanel or Plesk, it is very likely that this feature is not available. If you like to see this implemented, please get in touch with the support team of each tool you are using and raise this as a feature request.

Video: The Website Project Manager

Manager View

The Manager View is the tool to manage your customers and websites. Here you can see all the to-dos and websites assigned to you at a glance. Switch between Kanban and list view for your preferred website overview. In the list view, you can sort the list by clicking on the column names. One click sorts the entries in ascending order, another click sorts them in descending order and a third click resets the sorting to the default value for the respective view. Click on a website name to access the Detail View with all information about this website and the customer.


On the left side is the sidebar that allows you to switch between different views.


The overview lists all your assigned to-dos and websites. In the upper area, the to-dos that are assigned to you are displayed. By default, they are sorted by the due date. Overdue to-dos are listed first and to-dos due in the future are listed further down. At the bottom of the list, to-dos without a due date are displayed. If a to-do description is longer than one row, you can see the entire description by hovering the mouse pointer over the description. To-dos can be assigned to other team members by clicking on the picture in the "ON" column.
In the section "Websites" you can see all the websites that have been assigned to you. In addition, you can create a new website at any time by clicking the "+ Website" button. In the Kanban view, you can assign a website to other team members by clicking on the picture in the lower right corner of the respective map. In the list view, you will find the picture on the right at the end of the list entry.


This view gives you an overview of all open support tickets that have been automatically assigned to a website. This is helpful when you forward customer e-mails to Sitejet because you can see immediately where there is something to do. Sitejet automatically assigns incoming e-mails to the website based on the customer's email address.


In addition to the website name and the main domain, the following information is displayed: The date the message was received, the subject of the message, the site status, the current due date of the site, and the team member to whom the site was assigned at the time the message was received.
Click on the list entry to go to the Detail View. Messages are marked as "done" by clicking on the circle on the left side and then no longer appear under "Tickets".  


The view displays all unanswered e-mails that could not be assigned to a website. This is the case, for example, if the sender's email address is not stored in the customer data of any website. From here, you have the option of manually assigning each message individually to a specific website or a specific customer or deleting the message.


Overdue to-dos

Here you can see all the to-dos that are overdue and need to be completed. So you always have an overview of all the to-dos your team still has to work on.


Overdue websites

The view shows all websites that still need to be edited.



Here you will get an overview of the customers you have not had contact with for more than 3 months. If your company offers regular services to its customers, it might be interesting for you to find out which customers you haven't had contact with for a longer period of time. Here you can also switch between the Kanban and the list view.

All Websites

The view shows all websites.




Here you can find all available templates to use as a basis for your project. Choose between templates for all major industries and services or use your own that you have created. You can preview all templates and create a new website directly from here. You can also scroll down to the end to start with a blank site.



Here you will have an overview of all domains that are currently used in your account. You will see the domain name and to which website the domain is connected. You can also see the status and subscription details if the domain is registered with us. Under "Actions" you have different options to handle the domain. More information about managing domains can be found here.

Manage Team


Under Manage Team you will find the options to manage: 

  1. the users of your team
  2. subscription and billing information
  3. settings like
    1. Whitelabel
    2. Email setup
    3. Statuses for your workflow
    4. Automation
    5. Webhooks and many more



Your Business Success Center gives you an overview of your website business in Sitejet. You can find statistics about your website clients, the total amount of clients, and a growth indicator. In the website overview, you can quickly see the number of projects you have as well as their statuses.

Profile settings


Here you will find the option to switch teams, if you are working in different teams, edit your profile settings like language, name, or password, manage your notification settings, set up your absence in case of sickness or vacation, and log out. 

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